The Nourish Boutique NYC offers the finest in self care services and we appreciate that we are your choice for skin care, waxing, foot care and cosmetic services.
We offer services on an appointment only basis; we are setting aside time specifically for you when you book an appointment. A minimum of 24 hours notice must be given to reschedule or cancel appointments. We hold the room and block the time exclusively for your visit, no show will result in no return on your deposit, which is a requirement to secure your service. We understand last-minute emergencies pop-up. However, if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule. As a courtesy to our clients, we offers appointment reminders through text, email and/or phone. We will collect your contact info at the time of booking your appointment and on your client intake form with your permission. TNB will send you a confirmation reminder of your appointment (2) days prior to your appointment. It is ultimately your responsibility to remember your scheduled appointments. By making appointments with The Nourish Boutique NYC you are agreeing to these terms.
NO CHILDREN : While we love children we respectfully request NO children under 12 years of age during your visit to The Nourish Boutique NYC. This is to ensure that your aesthetician can concentrate 100% on you and your treatment, as well as to ensure privacy for the other provider and staff we share space with. It is against health and safety obligations to have children in the spa unsupervised. If you arrive with your children without prior discussion with management your treatment may be refused. We thank you for your consideration, co-operation and understanding.
Appointments : All appointments are held on an appointment only basis. We charge a specific service fee for the allotted time and service. Being on time ensures that you’re getting the best experience and service you deserve. Unfortunately, additional time can not be given to clients who arrive late to their appointment. Please try to arrive without a face full of makeup or minimal makeup to cut down on time.
Do not drink coffee, tea or caffeine based products before arriving for your appointment to assure that you’re relaxed.
Arriving to your appointment : Please arrive a few minutes early for your appointment. This allows for you to start to unwind, relax, and visit the restroom. Arriving late to appointments requires us to shorten your appointment time, so clients following you are not held up. Full fees will still be applicable, therefore, it really is in your best interest & comfort to be on time. Unfortunately, additional time can not be given to clients who arrive late to their appointment.